Lawson Pilgrim

Our Founder

Our Mission:
Promoting Safety, Education, & Equity for all Youth.

Our mission is to passionately promote and encourage self-sufficiency and self-esteem of Our Youth in the Underserved Communities; to improve the physical, economic, and educational conditions that affect their quality of life; to encourage dialogue to strengthen race relations and to support social, health, and educational growth in the community by coaching, teaching, and promoting the development of activities that will strengthen their total community.

Our Vision

Our vision is to motivate and inspire as many as possible of Our Youth to stay on a Positive track. To provide the support they need to think more broadly about their future by mentoring them with a Blue Print of Success Strategies, Success Fundamentals and tools to develop “Winning Habits” in preparation for those critical "life-changing" moments.

Our Objective

The Challenges the Youth, within the Underserved Communities, in today’s Societies are absolutely enormous. Children are being murdered due to school violence, Students are being bullied, ongoing shootings, stabbings, fighting, suicides, and racial unrest, are all occurring and devastating many communities in the United States. Managing the pressures to succeed in every area of life and finding time to do it all seems to be one of the biggest challenges facing our Youth today.

The S.E.E. Foundation’s Objective, using the technique of Success Mentoring Coaching, to TEACH, DEVELOP, INSPIRE, and to GUIDE the Youth toward “Real Equity Opportunities” so that they can contribute and eventually become a vital part in solving the many challenges they face within their lives and their communities.

"The S.E.E. Foundation’s 5 Star”
Success Mentoring Coaching Programs

Our Success Mentoring Coaching Sessions for Youth focuses on (Equity), Success Strategies, Success Fundamentals
with tools to help Our Youth develop daily Winning habits, enhance their ability to use Critical Thinking Skills,
and inspire them to make “Positive Choices” which will lead to Successful Outcomes.

Success Mentoring Coaching Sessions consists of 8 Development Modules:
1. Self-Development, 2. Healthy Lifestyle Choices, 3. Everyday Etiquette 4. Professionalism, 5. Communication,
6. Success Planning. (Setting Goals.). Includes: 7. Bullying Prevention, 8. Conflict Resolution.

1. Self Development:

Participants will experience an Enhanced Self-image, Attitude, Self-esteem and Confidence Levels.

2. Healthy Lifestyle Choices:

Participants will learn how to determine the BEST Choices to maintain a balanced and healthy Lifestyle.

3. Everyday Etiquette:

Participants will learn how to apply different forms of Etiquette, and how it relates to their Overall Success.

4. Professionalism:

Participants will learn how to develop BEST PRACTICE Strategies and Skills which will allow them to become more Confident and Professional.

5. Communication:

Participants will learn how to communicate in a proactive manner, listen more effectively, resolve conflict, and use presentation delivery.

6. Success Planning:

Participants will learn how to create their own Action Plans to assist in setting goals, and using the learned strategies for classroom, job and career success. 
(Success Mentoring Workbooks are used for extraordinary learning results.)

7. Bully Prevention Coaching Program:

Upon completion of Our “Absolutely NO Bullying”Program students will clearly understand that “NO Bullying” is allowed, the Definition of bullying, the Different Types of bullying, the Devastation bullying causes in Families, the Steps to take if being bullied or witnessing bullying, and much more! (Bullying Prevention Workbooks are used for extraordinary learning results.)

8. Conflict Resolution Coaching Program:

Upon completion of Our “Together We All Win” Conflict Resolution Program students will learn the General Perceptions of conflicts, potential Productive Outcomes of conflicts, Personal Styles of dealing with conflicts, and how to Resolve the conflict.

Upon completion Participants will…

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        © Copyright 2024 by S.E.E. Foundation for Youth
        (Safety, Education, Equity)
        EIN: 92-0518191


        © Copyright 2022 by
        S.E.E. Foundation for Youth
        (Safety, Education, Equity)